Nowadays, the general understanding of hi-end technologies progress is essentially referred to ITindustry, but the further progress in technology, e.g. in nanotechnologies, are based on a continuous fusion of different branches of modern science. Thus,
multi-, and
trans-disciplinarity is a must to consider issue.
Therefore, creativity, synthesis and imagination, capacity to build something new using the pieces already available come into play. In such an endeavour,
tinkering, as a relatively new approach in a learning curriculum, may be of extreme practical usefulness.
In this context the organized laboratories offer an innovative learning environment to design teaching tools based on the "
tinkering" method to be used for a more complete scientific knowledge.
Tinkering methodology enables learners to understand, on their own, science by investigating tools, materials and exploring questions in which they are interested in. It is suitable for teaching and learning STE(A)M subjects offering a wealth of opportunities for thinking through “making”. Both “
tinkering” and “
making” support the development of the capacity for an innovative problem solving by engaging learners in hands-on and creative building projects combining science, technology, engineering and math subjects.
This can favour the development of different skills and implementation’s methods, even outside the classroom, by supporting students in the effective use of technology, handling tangible and adjustable objects according to the activities to be performed.