The aim is to improve
STEM skills (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) through "
tinkering" methodology and educational robotics according to a multidisciplinary approach.
Following a training course focused on the development of computational thinking, kids, aged 9-11 years, will carry out mini-projects with a kit prepared specially for robotics.
The lab's activities are structured into two levels. Each level is preparatory to the other.
The training and labs activities will take place at the
EU-Track headquarters - Viale Europa, 95 - Terracina (LT) and will involve a maximum of 10 participants.
Dates: new dates for both first and second levels will be announced in October 2020.
Registration fee: coming soon.
Application Procedure: coming soon.
The course is limited number and the date of arrival for the registration will determine the enrolment priority.
For more information: mail to
info@eu-track.eu or call
Moreover, for an overview of past editions, please, consult the "
events" section.