

Learn STEM through Robotics
STEM Discovery Week 2019
From 09/03/2019 to 09/04/2019
I.T. S. “A. Bianchini” in collaboration with EU-Track organized the workshop “Imparare le STEM con la Robotica” on March, 9th 2019 in the framework of European initiative STEM Discovery Week 2019 and for the month dedicated to STEM carrier promotion.

The event was held at the I.T.S. “A. Bianchini” in via Marandola - Terracina (Italy) from 9.00 to 13.30.

Secondary school students were invited to build a mini-robot using recycled materials and Arduino platform with the guide of Alden M. Dochshanov, PhD and Dr Michela Tramonti.

Here below, the event's agenda is available.