This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This web site reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

ART and Mini-Games Course

The ART and Mini-Games Course in an e-learning course tailored on the needs and the learning processes of young students.

It is structured into n. 4 modules (duration n. 30 hours), designed on the results of the research report and defined on some topics such as: how to improve STEM skills using the ARTs; how to integrate STEM and Arts in the curriculum; how to work with the game mechanics; how to build a game scenario; how to implement math and science knowledge in games design and development; how to use games with 13-16 year old students; how to implement project tools and methodology.

The e-learning contents are explained through multimedia lessons, guidelines, games scenarios and lecture notes. All materials are available in English.

To attend the G.A.STEM Course and to access the platform, compile this application form available here

Please, use the boxes below to access the e-learning platform to attend the "Art and Mini-games Course"

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Forgot your password? Please, contact [email protected]

Download the Mini-Game Concept Design for your class at the following link: ""
