STEM stands for science, technologyengineering and mathematics and refers to any subjects that fall under these four disciplines.

The worldwide surveys show that EU students often lack mathematical competences and key basic competences in science and technology.
Even if Estonia and Finland are the two highest performing OECD countries, the most recent PISA results (2015) have shown a drop in the Finnish averages in scientific skills.
Concerning both Belgium and Italy, they are above or on OECD average, but the changing is very slow and difficult.

In this context, the specific common national needs are emerged among the countries involved:
  1. emphasizing the attractiveness and joy of learning
  2. improving social inclusion and gender equity in education.
  3. developing schools as learning communities - Favouring a more interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary teaching and learning in European schools, which will lead to a better collaboration among teachers from different subjects.
  4. reinforcing school and teachers networks to share resources and best practices.
Therefore, G.A.STEM project aims at:
  • improving motivation in scientific study through the use of “Art-works” as supporter in student creativity development and more awareness of their applications in everyday life.
  • utilizing the attractiveness of the art and technology (in terms of mini-games design and game assets) to improve social inclusion and gender equality.
  • supporting STEM skills (vertical and horizontal skills) useful for professional careers for both teachers and students improving the collaborative sense among teachers and schools through the exchanging of experience, best practices focusing on the interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary approach.
  • increasing the community sense and citizenship awareness through the discovery of European Cultural heritage constituted of (past and present) art-works produced in the partner project countries.
Target group: Secondary school teachers and 13-16 years old students.

1. University of Turku (Finland)
2. Tallinn University (Estonia)
3. Tamsalu Gymnasium (Estonia)  
4. EU-Track (Italy)
5. Pixel Associazione Culturale (Italy)
6. I.C. Montessori (Italy)
7. Sint-Lievenscollege (Belgium)
8. Rieskalähteen koulu (Finland

Associated Partner:
ADi - Associazione Docenti e Dirigenti scolastici italiani (Italy)